xrsound dll

xrsound dll
Category: Libraries and components
System: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 214


The xrsound.dll file is a typical library for the Windows platform. It is part of the game Stalker and ensures its functionality. If the game can not access this component, it stops running and displays an error message. In most cases, the error text explicitly states the name of the problem library.

Causes of malfunction

Access problems can occur for a variety of reasons. It can be accidental deletion by the user, problems with the hard disk and so on. However, practice shows that most often the problem is faced by users who decided to install an unlicensed version of the game. To reset activation, attackers often resort to modifying libraries, which is recorded by antiviruses as suspicious activity. In this case, the modified file is automatically blocked. The file can also be simply deleted to facilitate the final build. If the file is physically absent in the required directory, you can simply copy it manually - to do this, go to the C:WindowsSystem32 (for 32-bit systems) or C:WindowsSysWOW64 directory. For this operation, the system will request administrator rights, which is necessary to ensure security. Next, you need to force registration of the new component through the command line. The standard command "regsvr32 xrsound.dll" is used for this purpose. After confirming the registration, you need to restart the system.


  • System library is part of the game Stalker and is used by the game engine at various stages;
  • To restore, simply copy the file to the desired directory and register it using the appropriate command;
  • the library can be downloaded and used free of charge.

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