Category: Other (System)
System: Android 4.0
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 212


I2P is an Android utility that allows you to search, download files and communicate on forums within the I2P network. One of the key advantages of this network is its anonymity. I2P hides not only the location of participants, but also the addresses of web pages, which makes it impossible to track a resource or ban access to it.

Principle of operation

The algorithm of the utility is to create tunnels to connect to the anonymous I2P network. The main application window gives the user access to the connection management console and the list of created tunnels. You will also find a list of known resources on the I2P network, including forums, websites, file storage, email resources, chatbots, torrents, libraries and more. It is important to note that this network does not have conventional web resources and operates independently of standard Internet sources. The data goes in encrypted form and secondary nodes along the route will not be able to steal and decrypt the data. For security, 4 layers of protection are used and secure identifiers are used instead of IP addresses. The network also implements the peer-to-peer P2P principle, where all devices are peer-to-peer, can transmit information both ways with the highest level of security protocol and no dependent node that collects information.


To work properly, the application must be able to run in the background and be whitelisted in the application that manages your smartphone's power consumption settings. When connected to a network, the device acts as part of the network and disconnecting it will mean leaving I2P with the inability to receive or transmit information.


  • Free to download and use the application;
  • Access to the I2P network, which the Opera browser cannot do;
  • Ability to view sites and download files;
  • Work in background mode;
  • Support for the latest builds of Android.

See also:

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