bugtrap dll

bugtrap dll
Category: Libraries and components
System: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 165


The bugtrap.dll file is a DLL for Windows. Initially installed with the popular game Stalker and provides correct interaction with RAM. If at the startup stage the game can not access the library, the download crashes with an error.

Causes of malfunction

Most often the problem is faced by users who decided to install an unlicensed version of the game. To bypass the license or facilitate the final build, attackers modify files, to which antiviruses react. Such files are regarded as suspicious (viruses are often spread by this scheme), which leads to the placement of quarantine. In this case, it is necessary to go into the settings of the protection software and check the log. If this library is present there, it should be restored and added to the exceptions so that there will be no recurrence. The file can also be accidentally deleted or damaged as a result of a software failure. In rare cases, a file may be locked after a virus attack - malicious modules often use libraries to infiltrate the system.


You can also manually copy the file to the required directory. For a 64-bit system, the path looks like C:WindowsSysWOW64, for a 32-bit system - C:WindowsSystem32. Note that administrator rights are required to access the system folders. Next, it is necessary to initiate the procedure of DLL registration through the command line. To do this, use the construct "regsvr32 bugtrap.dll", after entering it, you need to wait for a message about the successful completion of the operation and restart the PC.


  • The library is part of the game Stalker and is necessary for effective interaction with RAM;
  • administrator rights are required for manual copying;
  • the file can be downloaded for free.

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